Friday, October 30, 2009

Party Feedback from the Children

"Um... um... My favorite part was BARNEY! I danced with him. The music came out of his mouth. He had little dots in his mouth and the music came out from there."

"I saw the five little pumpkin puppet show."

"Neil's mom had a scary costume!"

"Neil's mom had a mask. It covered her face... I was scared of her!"

"I made an Ariel cupcake... a little one."

"I was Minnie. My baby sister Emimy (Emily) was Minnie. Mommy was Minnie too. Chocha was Minnie. Daddy was Mickey."

"Miss Shanam and Siona were pennnnguins!"

"Mr. Sean dressed up like a hippo." (he was dressed as a Doctor)

"My mama dressed up like a fairy godmother!!! A fairy godmother is a type of fairy."



  1. Hey... I was a penguin too... but a forgotten penguin, it appears :(

    Great party, Shanam and everyone else at Windsor!

  2. Thank you for the party! We enjoyed meeting the kids we hear about and their parents. You know, it would have been cool to have taken a "class picture" with all the kids (and teachers) in costume.
