Friday, September 24, 2010

Save the Date: Fall Festival

We’re having our
Annual Fall Harvest Festival at Washington Park
Thursday, October 28th 3:30PM – 6:00PM

Come join us for a costume parade, fall-themed activities, a performance, food, and general merriment! Parents are strongly encouraged to play dress up with their children and come in costume. We ask that all family members partake in the festivities. :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Parent Workshop: Balancing Work & Family

You are invited to a parenting workshop: Balancing Work & Family, with the marvelous Sue Dinwiddie of Parents Place, Tuesday, September 28, 7:00-8:30 p.m., here at the library.

Learn secrets to balancing work and family, and how to include self care in the mix!

You may register online at: 

This free program, for adults only, is sponsored by the Friends of the Mountain View Library.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Website Under Construction

Our website (and blogs) is undergoing major construction, much like our school will be soon...

Teddy Bear Day

Facial expressions and body language in above photo are truly priceless. :) Enlarge photo above by clicking on it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Parent Event: Kindergarten Information Night

We’re having a
Kindergarten Information Night
Thursday, September 30th 7:00PM – 8:00PM

What are signs of a good kindergarten program? What are Windsor’s academic goals for pre-kindergarten students? How can I best prepare my child for kindergarten?

Parents of children who will attend kindergarten in Fall 2011 (child will turn 5 years old before December 2nd 2011) are invited to attend an informal gathering at 260 South Mary to discuss these questions and more.

There is no fee for this event. Please bring paper and a pen to take notes. If you are unable to attend, kindly send an e-mail message. Babysitting will be available on-site.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fire Safety Event

(click on collage to enlarge it)

We’re having a
Fire Engine Enrichment Activity
Friday, September 3rd 6:00PM – 7:00PM

Brrrnnnggg! Clack-clack-clack! Please join us for an in-house field trip. A big red fire engine and two to three firefighters will be present to coordinate a fire safety event. Firefighters will supervise fun exploration of the fire truck. Siblings are welcome to join in on the excitement! 
The Fire Safety Event had something for everyone...

What's the difference between a fire engine and fire truck? Some of us teachers were stumped.

What number do you call if Mommy or Daddy are not waking up? Important information for preschoolers to know.
Firefighter Ron dressed up in full gear and carried an axe. Then he had toddlers and preschoolers give him high fives and touch his gear. This was great exposure for our children since many children hide from firefighters during a fire. The hope is that being exposed to and seeing firefighters in full gear (in a safe environment with parents and teachers) will be an image children will remember and ease their anxiety during a possible real emergency.
Children had the most fun boarding the fire engine...again and again and again. :)