Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall Festival - Feedback from the children and collages

 (click on collage above to enlarge it)

“In the Barney costume, I felt a person…I felt hands…(whisper, eyes big) It was Mr. David.” 

"I had fun playing with Ellie, Samantha, Lindsay. and Diya. And I wasn’t scared of you! [Miss Leian]! I just like candy corn." 

"It was so fun and I didn’t know what my Mommy is. I thought the candies were gummy bears."

"Yeah, I had fun yesterday. I scared Barney and he was scared, then I hugged her and I sing the Halloween trick or treat song."
"I picked up sand. But I didn’t have a turn for the magic show. I like eating candies."
"I like Anisha being a ladybug. I enjoyed Barney. I saw a penguin!"

Monday, November 1, 2010

Guest Halloween storyteller

Miss Annie visits are always so fun...especially when she's telling (not so) spoooooky Halloween stories!