Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Case for $320,000 Kindergarten Teachers

Thought-provoking NY Times article:

"Good early education can impart skills that last a lifetime — patience, discipline, manners, perseverance."

"Are children who do well on kindergarten tests destined to do better in life, based on who they are? Or are their teacher and classmates changing them?"

"Class size — which was the impetus of Project Star — evidently played some role. Classes with 13 to 17 students did better than classes with 22 to 25."

"Peers also seem to matter. In classes with a somewhat higher average socioeconomic status, all the students tended to do a little better."

"But neither of these factors came close to explaining the variation in class performance. So another cause seemed to be the explanation: teachers. Some are highly effective. Some are not. And the differences can affect students for years to come."

Windsor Research Kindergarten Committee

committee for parents who are researching different kindergarten/elementary school programs after Windsor

Windsor Kindergarten Readiness Evaluation and Individual Plan

teachers evaluate pre-kindergarten students (4-year-olds who will enter kindergarten in one year) for kindergarten readiness using research-based assessments, then identify and work on important skills with each child to ensure s/he will succeed in kindergarten

Magic and Fairytales - Emergent Curriculum & Field Trip

Emergent Curriculum Science Project: magic stardust jars 
Each child mixed water and oil (along with shiny sparkles) into his/her own bottle, then observed, discussed properties of oil and water, etc.

The children's continued interest in magic and fairy tales culminated in a out-of-class learning experience at the library. We enjoyed magic, puppetry, storytelling, clowning, and songs. 

Part of the show was in Spanish, which tied in wonderfully with the Spanish lessons the children have been receiving at school. I heard several of them chiming in (in Spanish) during the performance!

Thank you, as always, to our wonderful parenteers (parent volunteers) and Sunnyvale library for a very fun, imaginative enrichment experience.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Doctor dramatic play continues

For whatever reason, doctor-doctor never gets old in preschool. :-)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

outdoor bear hunt masquerade animal safari party!

(click on collage to enlarge)

(click on collage to enlarge)

Happy Birthday, Varun!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Librarian Showcase

After a good endurance walk to the library, the children sit down for a librarian showcase. Afterward, the librarians give a mini-introduction of the library. The remainder of the time is spent choosing books and reading or having our wonderful parent volunteers and teachers read to us.

(click on collage to enlarge)


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Student Volunteer Program (Summer 2010)

For summer of 2010, we are trying something new! We would like to invite student volunteers (ages 10 – 17 years) to participate in our pre-school. Participation is free, and is open to any child with a Windsor staff or parent referral.

What do volunteers do?

Volunteers can:
  1. Help with preschool field trips (select days)
  2. Help with preschool classroom activities (any day of the week, by arrangement)
  3. Be an activity lead (by arrangement)

Field Trips
Preschool field trips happen a couple of times a month, usually Fridays. Trips are usually half day long. There will always be multiple teachers and adult supervisors in all trips. Trips are of different types and can range from visiting the library, taking a nature walk or visiting a local farm or business. Volunteers can participate either half day (just during trip time) or full day on trip days. Volunteer responsibilities will be determined based on participant interest and the particular needs for the trip. Please check the calendar (available on request or when you register) for trip days. Volunteers need to register atleast one week ahead of time with the preschool and come to one trip planning meeting (for 1 hr) before the day of the trip.  We also require that all field trip volunteers spend atleast 2 hours in the classroom as a classroom observer/volunteer before the field trip day. This will help the kids get to know you in a familiar environment before they go out with you.

Classroom volunteers
There are many activities that happen everyday in the preschool classroom. There is music, movement, art and free play time and also structured time around reading, writing and math for the older children who are getting ready for kindergarten. In addition, some days have special focus on themes such as weather, nature, science, cooking, animals etc. Classroom volunteers work with teachers to help preschoolers with the day’s activities. Based on your interest, you can help with any one or more of the activities – and participate full day or half day. You will need to register with the preschool and then a teacher will work with you on planning your day(s) in the classroom. You will need to spend two hours before your volunteer day to plan with the teacher.

Activity Leaders
Do you have a special passion or talent? Do you play an instrument, dance, know gymnastics or love craft? Do you have a pet you want to share and show-off? Do you love organizing and coming up with silly games to play? Would you like to create your own special class/activity to teach little kids? We would love to have you come and share your passion! Let us know what excites you, and a teacher will work with you on planning and creating a special activity with you. You will need to register with the preschool. Planning time before your class day will depend on what you want to do.

Logistics, and other little details

Meals: We have a full kitchen at our preschool, and volunteers will all be provided with meals and snacks during their day here. You are also welcome to bring your own lunch/snack if you prefer.
Timing: Our school is open from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM M-F, except on certain holidays. Volunteers will decide on the times they will be present when they register with the preschool. You decide how long and when you want to stay.
Transport: You will need to have someone drop-off and pick you up from the school. For field trips, the school will provide transportation (as needed) from the school to the field trip location and back to the school.  
Registration: You will need to register in person and have an informal 20 min interview to make sure that the program suits your needs and that of the school. You will also get a chance to tour the school during your visit. Email to set up a registration appointment.
Feedback and follow up: We want to make sure that we learn and you have fun and benefit from this experience. There will be a group feedback/review meeting with all volunteers (and parents) that you will be invited to. Of course you can always give us feedback anytime via email or just by talking to us.

About us

Windsor Preschool is a mixed-age play-based developmental program. We believe that there is strong emotional, social, and cognitive benefit in bringing children of different ages together. Younger children look up to and learn more easily watching older kids, and for the older children it builds strong social and leadership skills.  Please visit for more information about our school.