Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Value of unit block play

We recently purchased a set of wood blocks. These are intended for children 3+ (our younger children use much smaller more developmentally-appropriate wood blocks).

Here is an informative video on unit block play, which discusses its value and what children learn while building:

Unit block play video

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Free Talk tonight - Jan 12th

New Thinking About Children” 
Po Bronson 
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 
7pm – 9pm 
Los Altos High School Theatre 
201 Almond Avenue 

 Are many of modern society’s strategies for nurturing children backfiring? 
Where is intelligence hidden in the brain, and why does that matter? 
Learn exactly what teens lie about, how much and why 
Is intelligence really malleable? And if so, what produces the most dramatic improvements in the shortest amount of time? 

NurtureShock, which has been a New York Times bestseller since its release, has 
been featured on NPR’s Fresh Air and All Things Considered, as well as Nightline 
and the cover of Newsweek. Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman’s New York magazine articles on the science of parenting won the journalism award from the American As sociation for the Advancement of Science, a Mensa Award, and a Clarion Award. Their articles for Time won the award for outstanding journalism from the Council on Contemporary Families.  They are currently writing daily for Newsweek.comBook signing following Q&A. 
This event is FREE, no RSVP.  Please arrive early, seating is limited.  For more information about Po Bronson: http://www.pobronson.com/ 
Questions? Please contact Sharon Greenstein, MVLA - LAMV PTA sharonbgreenstein@gmail.com or Nalini Luthra nluthra647@aol.com LAHS PTSA 

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Yearly Review: Looking Ahead 2010

 Family picture at the annual fall party

Dear Families,

Feedback is trickling in from all of you and it is extremely appreciated.

If you haven't provided feedback yet, please take advantage of Windsor. Have your voice heard. There will probably be VERY few opportunities in your child's education when your feedback may have a significant, immediate impact like this.

I also wanted to emphasize that we really are sitting down and seriously thinking about, evaluating, and discussing each and every comment, suggestion, etc. made.

Thank you for your contribution in making Windsor the best possible family-centered program!